Tuesday, April 12, 2011

10 Shots to Inspire your Shadow Photography

One of my favorite forms of photography, is the Shadow Capture.  Next time you are out shooting, keep an eye out for the various elements around your subject.  You might find a well defined shadow that can stand out and give you an interesting, dramatic, or fun shot.

Shadow photography (SP) reminds me of when I was a kid at Disneyland, one of the only heirlooms I still have amongst the Mickey Ears, Pluto Hat with the long ears, and Nick-Nacks that held up was the shadow caricature.   
Reminder of Shadow Caricature at Disneyland
You can also place yourself in a scene with a self portrait.  I took this one while on a recent hike.  It was late afternoon and it took about 5 attempts to get it right, but worth the effort. 

Things are looking up - Self Portrait while on a recent Hike
This is the same hike.  I was up at Echo Mountain to capture the Sunset.  I turned around and noticed this scene on the wall behind me.
Couples are another great subject for Shadow Photography.

This was an engagement session.  While shooting the couple, the shadow on the wall offered a cool result.
Have fun with it.  The Wall and Door offer great texture.
"The Golden Hour" is one of the best times for Shadow Photography.
SP is a fun way to add your subjects viewpoint, without them being in the shot.

Admiring the view of Los Angeles from the Getty Center.
I took two shots while composing this.  The first was of downtown Los Angeles by itself.  The second is the one above.  The first shot was not as memorable.
To me, Shadow Photography adds a certain depth to a photo.  Light is fickle and fleeting, so keep an eye out for shadows next time you are out shooting.

This wall with all of it's texture was a great backdrop for this shadow shot.
Sometimes a great Shadow shot happens by accident.
I was practicing Macro Photography.  When I viewed this on the computer, I noticed the Shadow.
I hope this inspires you to get out there and shoot some shadow photography.  If you are looking for further inspiration, check out this link.

We appreciate your feedback, so please let us know if you have captured a cool shadow photo.  Have a great week and get shooting.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Get Up Close

Change your perspective and try shooting more macro photography, you will be amazed at the beauty and intricacy that exists all around you.  If you want tips on shooting better macro photography, try this article.

Orchid in Neighbors garden.  C2T Photography
Up Close, you can see the detail and the colors jump off the screen.  C2T Photography
Try shooting flowers or objects with a clear background to emphasize the subject.  Also, play with the light and see how it effects the mood.  C2T Photography
Try cooler colors or Black and White.  C2T Photography

Up Close, you can see nature at work.  Such as these two Lady Bugs playing leap frog.  C2T Photography
Get up close and change the angle of your camera.  C2T Photography
Macro Photography can show the complicated patterns or the simple beauty of nature.  C2T Photography
Check out this article on Macro Photography Techniques, it gives great pointers on how to improve your macro photography.  My advice, is to start looking at what's around you and imagine it in a photo.

Post a reply to this message with examples of your macro photography.  I hope this motivates you to "Get Up Close", and please share your results.

Have a great weekend, and good shooting!