Friday, April 1, 2011

Get Up Close

Change your perspective and try shooting more macro photography, you will be amazed at the beauty and intricacy that exists all around you.  If you want tips on shooting better macro photography, try this article.

Orchid in Neighbors garden.  C2T Photography
Up Close, you can see the detail and the colors jump off the screen.  C2T Photography
Try shooting flowers or objects with a clear background to emphasize the subject.  Also, play with the light and see how it effects the mood.  C2T Photography
Try cooler colors or Black and White.  C2T Photography

Up Close, you can see nature at work.  Such as these two Lady Bugs playing leap frog.  C2T Photography
Get up close and change the angle of your camera.  C2T Photography
Macro Photography can show the complicated patterns or the simple beauty of nature.  C2T Photography
Check out this article on Macro Photography Techniques, it gives great pointers on how to improve your macro photography.  My advice, is to start looking at what's around you and imagine it in a photo.

Post a reply to this message with examples of your macro photography.  I hope this motivates you to "Get Up Close", and please share your results.

Have a great weekend, and good shooting!

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