Monday, March 14, 2011

Chasing his Dreams

"There is an immeasurable distance between late and too late."  That quote by Og Mandino is a fitting description for Bill Campbell.  Bill came to us at C2T Photography with his dream of working as an extra/character in Hollywood.  He is aware that the first step to getting noticed, in the crowded Hollywood environment, is an attention grabbing portfolio.  After meeting with Bill and finding out his interests and hobbies, we collaborated to create the first of four portfolio sessions.  This is the result of our first session. 
Bill Campbell seated Gun Draw, C2T Photography
Bill Campbell at Lester Moore Grave, C2T Photography
Bill Campbell "The Stare", C2T Photography
Bill Campbell at the Birdcage, C2T Photography
Bill Campbell at the OK Corral, C2T Photography
Bill Campbell ready to draw, C2T Photography
Bill Campbell Portfolio, C2T Photography
This father and grandfather is following his dreams and we are proud to be involved.  We look forward to our next session with Bill and his future in Hollywood.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic pictures! C2T Photography makes Bill look like the real deal! Great job!
