Thursday, February 17, 2011

Get out of your own way, and snap the photo

There are many disciplines within the scope of photography.  Ranging from the elegance of a Family Portrait, the ability to communicate a message through a Head Shot or Product photo, preserving a moment of importance with Event Photography to the grandeur of landscape and nature photography.  However, one of the oft overlooked aspects of photography is the power and emotion created from a Candid Photograph.

This rings clear when a situation presents itself and you do not have the time or equipment to create an ideal photo session.  For example, my Grandmother passed away in June of 2010.  Unfortunately we were unable to get her to agree to a family portrait session, and getting our family together from all over the country was a tall order.  Fortunately, a few members of the family were able to spend an unforgettable weekend together and that time together presented wonderful moments.   

A candid photo captures someone as you see them, without the sometimes forced smile or unease of having their photo taken.
Grandma in the moment
Grandma taking in the moment
This sometimes occurs when the subject catches on to what you are doing.
We all laughed until our faces hurt when she let me know what she thought of my shutterbugging
Being in the moment with candid photography can produce the most cherished memories.  We kept on the theme of her finger pointing in order to come up with a memory that can't be touched.
Greetings from Chewelah, WA
The whole family has regrets that we didn't find the occasion to gather for a professional family portrait.  However, by being in the moment and snapping away with the camera, we can laugh, love, cry at our last candid moments with Grandma Sarah.

So get out of your way, and snap the photo!

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