Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Shooting with the new Canon G12

We just added the Canon G12 to our camera selection.  This is the first shoot with the camera.  We will follow up this posting with a full review of the camera and output after conducting more tests.  In the mean time, this is a couple of shots from the first run.

This is Huntington Beach, CA at it's finest after a resent storm passed through.
Huntington Beach Pier
Life Guard towers waiting for summertime
Surfers, Beach, Snowy Mountain, and bird that flew through at the right time
Surf, Sand and Snowy Mountains a great winter day in Huntington Beach
Thank you for visiting and we will provide a full review after more testing.  Yet first impression is that this is a wonderful camera.

All shots from the Canon G12 and edited by C2T Graphics.

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